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Written by Sanne

Which flight modes do drones have?

Drones have various flight modes. This way, you can make a drone perform a specific task. It can track a moving object or fly a specific route, for example. In some modes, you don't even have to steer on your own so you can easily make cinematic footage. We'll explain which flight modes drones have, so you can choose a drone that meets your wishes best.
Drone flight modes Active Track


In this mode, your drone follows a moving object or person. Select the subject and choose the mode ActiveTrack, Point of Interest, or Spotlight. With ActiveTrack, the drone flies automatically and tracks a moving object in the middle of the screen. In the Spotlight mode, your subject stays in the center of the image, but you control the drone yourself. With Point of Interest, the drone flies around a subject.

Drone flight modes QuickShots


To make a special recording easily, you can use the QuickShots option. This mode consists of 4 preprogrammed flight options, during which the drone flies in a certain pattern. You can choose the flight styles Rocket, Dronie, Circle, and Helix. With Rocket, the camera is pointed downwards while the drone flies upwards. In Circle mode, the drone flies a circle around the subject.

Drone flight modes MasterShots


If you're not sure which flight mode results in nice footage in your area, use MasterShots. In this mode, the drone makes a series of different drone recordings of a subject. You can select the subject and the drone does all the work. It flies away from the subject or makes circles around it, for example. When you edit, you can choose from the different shots.

Drone flight modes Cruise Control

Cruise Control

With Cruise Control mode, the drone flights on its own. You indicate the direction, but you don't have to hold the sticks all the time the drone flies. This way, a flight takes less effort which is useful if you make a far flight with your drone. In addition, it reduces the risk of accidental movements to ensure smooth recordings.

Drone flight mode Cinematic mode

Cinematic Mode

To make a (professional) video, you want the footage to look smooth. The Cinematic Mode helps you with that. In this mode, the drone extends its braking distance, so the device stops gradually. This prevents shaky images during a sudden stop. In addition, the drone reduces its turning speed. This way, your images look smooth when your drone turns around.

Drone flight modes Home Lock

Home Lock

It's possible that you lose sight of the drone. If this happens, you want the device to come back as soon as possible. The Home Lock function helps you with this. If you press the Return to Home button of your remote, the drone flight back to you on its own. This way, you won't lose your drone as easily. If the battery of your drone almost runs out, it automatically flies back to the starting point.

Drone flight modes Waypoints


With WayPoints, the drone flies a preset route. You set up the route points along which the drone will fly. This makes it easy to control the drone, because you don't have to do anything. You only have to focus on the direction of the camera to record nice footage.

Drone flight modes Hyperlapse


In Hyperlapse mode, the drone takes multiple photos and records a time-lapse video of sundown, for example. You can choose how the drone flies. In Free mode, you can control the drone yourself. In Circle mode, the drone circles a subject. With Course Lock, the drone flies in a fixed direction, but you can rotate the camera of the drone freely.

Drone flight modes Turtle mode

Turtle mode

If you're using a racing drone, it might crash at high speed. This makes the drone land upside down sometimes. Turtle mode allows you drone to flip over 180 degrees, so it stands upright again. This way, you can fly it back to you right away. You don't have to look for it yourself.

Article by:
Sanne Drone Expert.
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