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Show 3 products


Power supply type
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Suitable for (sanders)
Type of dust extraction
Type of DIYer
Constant speed
Sanding pad shape
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Review score

Bosch detail sanders

Bosch detail sanders

  • 3 sanders

Bosch delta sanders come in various shapes and sizes. But they all have one thing in common: they're compact, powerful, and every do-it-yourselfer can easily sand even the hardest to reach corners. The triangular sole allows you to go in all directions and narrow windows, stair treads or drawers are also stripped of their old lacquer or paint layer. The delta sanders from Bosch are available on battery or mains power. In addition, the sizes of the sanding pads and the composition of the set vary. For example, some Bosch delta sanders also come with handy cases and multiple sanding sheets for different materials and applications.

Bosch PSM 100 A + 30 sandpaper sheets Bosch delta sander
Power grid | 6,5 m/s | Dust bag/cup
€ 49,99
including VAT, free delivery
In stock
Bosch EasySander 18V-8 + 2.5Ah Battery and Charger Bosch delta sander
0 reviews
Rechargeable battery | 18 V | Battery platform Bosch POWER FOR ALL 18V
€ 143,- € 128,-
including VAT, free delivery
Temporarily sold out
Bosch EasySander 18V-8 (without battery) Bosch delta sander
0 reviews
Rechargeable battery | 18 V | Battery platform Bosch POWER FOR ALL 18V
€ 60,-
including VAT, free delivery
Temporarily sold out
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