With the Makita P-84137 tool case, you can quickly grab hand tools and small DIY equipment like plugs and screws. You can fold out the case for easy access to items that are at the bottom of the case. The case has 4 compartments, so you can divide different tools. This tool case comes with 5 storage trays. Use it to fill 1 compartment and to separate screws from plugs. This makes the P-84137 even more organized.
With the Makita P-84137 tool case, you can quickly grab hand tools and small DIY equipment like plugs and screws. You can fold out the case for easy access to items that are at the bottom of the case. The case has 4 compartments, so you can divide different tools. This tool case comes with 5 storage trays. Use it to fill 1 compartment and to separate screws from plugs. This makes the P-84137 even more organized.