Which cooktop fits in your IKEA kitchen?
Existing IKEA kitchen with niche
Do you already have an IKEA kitchen with a cooktop or niche in which you want to place the cooktop? Look at the dimensions of your niche and current cooktop and order a model that exactly meets these dimensions. When choosing a built-in cooktop, you need to know the niche width, niche depth, and the thickness of the countertop. IKEA countertops are 2.8 or 3.8cm thick by default. You can measure the niche dimensions with a tape measure.
New IKEA kitchen without a niche
All cooktop models fit into an IKEA kitchen. When you buy a new kitchen, IKEA cuts the niche to size. Is there a cooktop on your wish list? Have the niche sizes cut to match it and make sure your countertop is thick enough. The depth from the countertop to the wall must be at least 63.5cm and the distance between the niche and the wall at least 5.5cm.