This is how you expand your KitchenAid stand mixer
Which accessories fit your KitchenAid?
Almost all attachments by KitchenAid are suitable for every stand mixer. Do you want to buy an extra balloon whisk, mixing hook, dough hook, or mixing bowl? Check whether it fits on your mixer first.
KitchenAid attachments for cutting and grating
Food processor attachment
With a food processor attachment, you can chop, cut, and grate your ingredients. This allows you to easily dice or slice fruits or vegetables. You can also grate a piece of cheese for your pasta with the attachment.
Spiralizer attachment
With the spiralizer, you can cut a piece of vegetables into thin, long strips. For example, grab a zucchini and skewer it onto the spiralizer. The spiralizer cuts the zucchini into thin spaghetti strings with a circular motion.
KitchenAid attachments for juicing and grinding
Slowjuicer attachment
With the slowjuicer attachment, you can make healthy and fresh juices with your KitchenAid stand mixer. Choose your favorite ingredients and push them through the feed tube of the juicer. The attachment will squeeze out all of the juices. The pulp is separated from the juice. Nice, because this means you get a clear juice without pulp.
Food grinder attachment
Do you want to make fresh sausages or minced meat? Attach the food grinder attachment onto your stand mixer. Choose if you want to use chicken, beef, or pork, for example. Add seasoning to make the taste to your liking and put the pieces of meat in the grinder. The stand mixer then grinds them and pushes them through a grid, so strings of minced meat come out.
Make pasta and ice cream with your KitchenAid
Pasta attachments
You can make fresh pasta with the various pasta attachments. Use the pasta roller to roll the pasta dough into thin strips first. Click a pasta cutter onto your KitchenAid and cut the strips into spaghetti or tagliatelle. The special ravioli maker even makes hollow pasta dough, which you can then fill with your homemade filling with a special funnel.
Ice cream maker
With the ice cream maker, you can make various types of ice cream. For example, you can make fresh sorbet or yoghurt ice cream. Put the bowl in the freezer 16 hours before use. After, you can attach the bowl to the stand mixer and will have smooth and creamy ice cream within 30 minutes.
Mixing bowls in all shapes and sizes
Should you choose a glass or stainless-steel mixing bowl? They both have their advantages. For example, a glass bowl has a useful volume marking to measure liquids directly in the bowl. The stainless steel bowl is sturdier than a glass bowl. It's useful to have an extra bowl, because you can make different preparations after each other while you don't need to rinse a bowl. The mixing bowls are available in different sizes. Be sure to check if the mixing bowl fits underneath your type of stand mixer.