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Written by Rowan

What's Siemens intelligentDosing?

A Siemens intelligentDosing used to be called i-Dos. IntelligentDosing automatically adds the right amount of detergent and fabric softener. You can use this system with your own detergent, but you can leave the dosing to the washing machine. This way, you always use exactly enough and your clothes look beautiful for longer. You can read what Siemens intelligentDosing is and how it works here.

IntelligentDosing: clothes stay beautiful for longer

Siemens i-DOS detergent drawer

Thanks to Siemens intelligentDosing, your clothes look beautiful for longer. This is because a Siemens intelligentDosing washing machine has a special sensor. This measures how much laundry is in the drum and how dirty it is. Based on this, the washing machine automatically adds the right dosage. This way, you always use exactly enough. As a result, your clothes won't fade, but they're still cleaned properly. You also save water and energy, because fewer rinses are needed to rinse away the detergent.

IntelligentDosing detergent drawer

Siemens intelligentDosing detergent drawer

With a Siemens intelligentDosing washing machine, you can use your own detergent and fabric softener. You add a large dosage in one go through the hatch in the detergent drawer. You can use a single dosage for up to 20 cycles. This is useful, as you don't have to dose yourself for every cycle. The washing machine measures how much is needed per cycle and adds just the right amount. Do you still want to dose manually? In that case, you can use the cutout to the left of the hatches.

Scan your detergent

Washing machine with an app

You can connect the washing machine to your smartphone or tablet with the Home Connect app. Scan the barcodes on the bottles in the app so the washing machine knows which detergent and fabric softener you're using. For example, the washing machine needs less concentrated detergent per cycle. After scanning, the appliance automatically adjusts the amount. You can also enter the water hardness here, so your towels come out soft after every cycle.

Article by:
Rowan Washing Machine Expert.
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