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Written by Rowan

What's Samsung QuickDrive?

If you're looking for a fast washing machine, choose Samsung QuickDrive. That's useful when you quickly need clean clothes. With QuickDrive, you can clean a half-full drum in 39 minutes. You can also shorten the washing time of several cycles. That way, you save more energy. Read what the technology does here and how it can benefit you.

Samsung QuickDrive: more efficient and faster

Samsung QuickDrive: more efficient and faster

A QuickDrive washing machine washes up to twice as fast. With the Super Speed cycle, you can wash a half-full drum in 39 minutes. You also save more energy. Samsung QuickDrive is available on the 7000 and 8000 series. A 7000 series washes up to 20% more efficiently than an A energy label, and the 8000 series up to 30%. That's because the washing machine sprays foam over your laundry in the drum and moves faster. You can save up to € 310 on your energy costs during its lifespan.

Shorten the washing time of 11 cycles

Samsung QuickDrive drum

Almost all new Samsung washing machines have the Super Speed cycle, but not all washing machines have QuickDrive. With Super Speed, you can wash a half-full drum in 39 minutes. That's great if you quickly need clean clothes. The difference is that you shorten the washing time of 11 cycles with QuickDrive, which provides more freedom. You can also save more energy during its lifespan. That's why you should choose QuickDrive to wash even more efficiently and easily.

Article by:
Rowan Washing Machine Expert.
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