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Written by Rowan

What's AEG AbsoluteCare technology?

An AEG AbsoluteCare washing machine ensures that your clothes remain soft and colorful for longer. This is because AEG AbsoluteCare softens the tap water with salt. This way, you can prevent your washing machine from affecting your clothing in the long term. You can read how AEG AbsoluteCare works and how you use it here.

Protects the color and fabric of your laundry

AEG AbsoluteCare washing machine

An AEG AbsoluteCare washing machine softens the tap water with salt, so your clothes stay soft for longer. AEG AbsoluteCare also ensures that the fabric retains its color better. You don't have to worry about your clothes becoming faded or rough. This is because the washing machine filters harmful minerals from the water. You can use AEG AbsoluteCare with special salt for washing machines or dishwashers. The reservoir can be found in the detergent drawer. Do you see a light on the display? Fill the tray with salt.

Softens water with salt

9kg load capacity | 1351RPM | A energy label | Build quality: basic
in stock
  • AbsoluteCare technology keeps colors nice longer and softens the water with salt.
  • With PowerCare technology, you can clean your laundry better in 59 minutes.
  • You have less ironing thanks to the ProSteam steam function.
  • It doesn't have automatic detergent dosing.
Article by:
Rowan Washing Machine Expert.
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