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Written by Julie

How do you light your kamado?

First time using your kamado barbecue? In that case, it's a good idea to learn how to light it. Lighting a kamado is pretty easy actually, once you get the hang of it. In this article, we'll tell you the best and safest way to light you ceramic barbecue.

Lighting a kamado in 7 steps

Lighting a kamado in 7 steps

Step 1. Fill the kamado with large pieces of charcoal.

Step 2. Place 1 to 3 brown, environmentally-friendly firelighters between the charcoal.

Step 3. Light the firelighters with a long match.

Step 4. All vents (top and bottom) are fully opened.

Step 5. Let the firelighters burn with the lid open until they are completely gone.

Step 6. Put the grid on and close the lid.

Step 7. Use the vents to control the airflow and get the right temperature.

Tip 1: use hard pieces of charcoal for the BBQ

Charcoal bags

The temperature is more difficult to regulate if you use hard charcoal, compared to soft charcoal. Are you unsure whether the charcoal is hard or soft? Pay attention to the weight of the charcoal bag. Is the first bag heavier than the second? The first bag probably contains harder charcoal.

Tip 2: light your kamado with environmentally-friendly firelighters


It's best to light a kamado with brown, environmentally-friendly firelighters. Avoid the white, chemical firelighters. These affect the ceramic of your kamado and give a strange flavor to the meat. Don't use crumpled paper, either. The shreds can end up in your food.

Tip 3: don't use a charcoal starter


Don't use a charcoal starter to light your charcoal in the kamado. Pouring the starter into your ceramic BBQ can cause the ceramic to crack.

Article by:
Julie Barbecue Expert.
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