How much noise does a vacuum make?
What's a decibel?
We measure sound in decibels. The more decibels, the louder the sound. On average, humans can hear sound between 0 and 120dB. But 0dB doesn't mean that there's no sound. We simply can't it. Any number above 120dB can damage our hearing.
How do we measure the number of decibels of a vacuum?
Vacuum manufacturers measure the number of decibels in the average suction setting of the vacuum. They do this with the main brush attachment. That's why the noise level may differ when you use a different attachment. Even if you increase the power, the sound becomes louder.
Examples of decibels
How much sound is 64dB? And what's the difference compared to 67 or 84dB? Most companies compare the number of decibel with situations. This makes it easier for you to know how many decibels you find acceptable. For example, an airplane taking off produces about 140dB. The music in a club is 105dB on average. A dripping water tap produces 20dB of sound.
Vacuum tests
Vacuum cleaners with a noise level between 71 and 75dB are loud. If you want to have a conversation with someone 2m away, you'll have to raise your voice significantly. You also won't be able to hear the TV without turning up the volume.
We tested vacuums with different numbers of decibels in the average suction setting. We measured whether we could still hear the sound of the TV at a distance of 2m. We also tested whether it was still possible to have a conversation at a distance of 2m. Based on this test, we divide all vacuums into 4 categories: silent, average, loud, and very loud.
Silent vacuums
Vacuum cleaners make noise. Even the most silent vacuum cleaner is still audible when you're using it. Do you often vacuum when your children are asleep? We recommend a silent vacuum. It will have a maximum noise level of 60dB.