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Written by Francis

What's automatic detergent dosing?

To keep your laundry nice for longer, choose a washing machine with automatic detergent dosing. For example a washing machine with TwinDos, i-DOS or AutoDose. Washing machines with automatic detergent dosing automatically add the correct amount of detergent. In this article, you can read what the benefits are.

The advantages listed

Washing machines with an automatic dosing system save you detergent, water, and time. Your washing machine is a lot more environmentally-friendly and your clothes will last longer. If you want to dose yourself at one point, you can. Just the way you're used to, because the washing machine always prioritizes to your own dosage.

Less wear: clothes look good for longer

Storage of laundry for a washing machine

By automatically using the right amount of detergent, your clothes will last longer. This prevents you from using too much or too little detergent. If you use too much detergent, stains will be left behind. Too little detergent will make the colors fade. Your favorite clothes will no longer look beautiful. By leaving this job to the washing machine, clothes stay as new longer.

Up to 30% less detergent

Miele TwinDos detergent reservoirs

It remains difficult to dose just the right amount of detergent, because you can easily use too much. Washing machines with automatic detergent dosing weigh exactly how much laundry is in the drum. Based on that, the washing machines dose the detergent so accurately, you can save up to 30% in detergent. That's about 5 bottles of detergent per year. On an annual basis, that saves a lot of money.

Less foam, so less water

Samsung washing machine

A washing machine with automatic dosing never adds too much detergent during the washing process. This also means that fewer rinsing cycles are needed to wash away the foam. This not only saves time, but also a lot of water. On an annual basis, automatic detergent dosing saves you about 7000L of water on average.

Less hassle

Display Miele washing machine

With automatic detergent dosing, doing laundry becomes less of a hassle. It's useful, because you can fill up the detergent drawer with enough detergent for about 20 wash cycles. So you don't have to measure off a cap of detergent. You always use the right dosage and don't have to be afraid of spilling it. The washing machines does all the work for you.

Article by:
Francis Washing Machine Expert.
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