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Liebherr CBNstd 578i
In this Liebherr CBNstd 578i fridge freezer combination, you have enough space for the groceries of 3 to 4 people. You can find 2 BioFresh drawers at the bottom of the fridge. The temperature is always around 0°C in these fresh zones, so you can store your fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, salmon, and steak for longer.
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Thanks to No Frost, you don't need to defrost the freezer because no ice crystals form.
You save up to € 831 on energy during the lifespan with this freezer, thanks to the A energy label.
You save up to € 669 on energy during the lifespan with this fridge, thanks to the A energy label.
It's around 0°C in the BioFresh drawer, so you can store your groceries better.