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Written by Uhro

Advice on video cards

The choice for a suitable video card isn't easy. In order to choose the best video card for you, we'll discuss the most important points in which video cards differ. These are the graphics processor, the memory, the connection options and the cooling.

1. Graphic processor (GPU)

Graphics processing unit

The graphics processor (GPU), also called the chipset, determines the computing power and speed of the video card. Do you want to play games at the highest image quality? Then choose a video card with a powerful GPU. Two chip manufacturers that make these GPUs are AMD and NVIDIA. The performance of the GPU is first determined by the type. A rule for both AMD and NVIDIA GPUs is that the higher the number in the name of the type is, the more powerful it is. Pay attention to the clock speed of the GPU, which is indicated in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz).

2. The memory

Video memory

The RAM is the storage location of the graphics processor. The more memory can be stored, the more graphic processes can be done. The amount of memory is indicated in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB). The speed of the memory is indicated in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz). The more memory and the higher the memory speed, the better the video card performs during gaming or when performing graphic work.

3. The connection options

DVI Analog


  • VGA: Via the VGA (Video Graphics Array) connection, the analog image is transmitted from the video card to a monitor, beamer, or other monitor. VGA is widely used when transmitting images to an analog display. Since the introduction of digital displays, a VGA connection isn't optimal. The image has to be converted from digital, analogue and then back to digital. This results in loss in quality. Because VGA is still used often, video cards often have a VGA connection, in addition to the digital connections.
  • DVI: DVI, or Digital Visual Interface, is suitable for transmitting digital images without sound. Many monitors have a DVI connector, in addition to a VGA connector.
Digital connection


  • HDMI: With an HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) connector, you also have the possibility to transmit digital audio in addition to digital images. Monitors as well as a lot of television have an HDMI connector.
  • DisplayPort: A DisplayPort connector is becoming more common for monitors and other screen. Via a DisplayPort, like HDMI, you can transmit audio and video in digital quality.
  • USB-C: USB-C is the most recent development in audiovisual signal transfer. USB-C can function like a DisplayPort via the Alternate Mode. This way, you have an extra connector when all your DisplayPort connectors are already in use.

4. Cooling

Active cooling


An actively cooled video card is has one or more fans. The heat from the cooling ribs can dissipate. Current video cards produce so much heat that they come with active cooling in most cases. Every manufacturer has their own way of doing things and they distinguish themselves in terms of noise production and the efficiency of heat dissipation.

Passive cooling


Passive cooling for a video card isn't currently used a lot by manufacturers. The heat dissipation depends on the cooling around the video card, since it only has a cooling block without fans. The biggest advantage of passive cooling is the noise production, which is almost inaudible, since there are no fans.

5. What else do you need?

Power supply (PSU)

At the standard connection to a motherboard, around 75W of power is available. This is not sufficient for many video cards to function properly. To send enough power to the video card, a direct connection with the power supply of your PC is required. With each video card we indicate what the recommended power is, so that you can select the correct power supply. You can also choose directly for the power supply in the combination offer.


A video card can produce beautiful images, but that does not work without the right cables. For the different connections on a video card, we have the necessary cables in our range. If you want to connect an HDMI cable to a DisplayPort or connect multiple monitors to one DisplayPort, you can use a video adapter.


The speed of your PC is determined by the least powerful component. If you have just purchased a nice and especially powerful video card, check out our range of gaming or regular memory so you can get the most out of your video card.

Sound card

Most motherboards have an audio output. Are you planning to produce music or do you want the best sound during gaming, then choose a separate sound card, so you do not miss anything.

Article by:
Uhro Component Expert.
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